Golden Yoga in the comfort of your home
What’s included in the home practice collection ?
Wether you’re an experienced Golden Yoga practitioner or entirely new to it, this practice collection is the perfect way to elevate your routine, maintain consistency or explore Golden Yoga at your own pace.
An introduction video,
4 x 25 minutes follow-along recorded class,
each lesson targets a specific area: balance, coordination, strength or mobility.
a 5min bonus video for your hands and fingers
You’ll only need a chair without armrest, except for the class #4 “Resistance band workout” that requires an elastic resistance band.
The recorded classes build on each other, but you can also watch and practice them in any order you prefer. Each one is under 25 min, making it easy to fit into your day. You can access the collection from your phone, computer or tablet, wherever you are. It’s yours for just £59 with unlimited access. Happy practice !